Monday, September 1, 2014

Transitioning to college

After my first week of college classes, one thing stood out to me: college professors are distinctly different from grade school teachers. While there are obvious differences, such as the differences in qualifications, educational background, etc., there are also differences that I didn’t pick up on until Friday.

College professors seem to care less about being personable than grade school teachers do. Less of a professor’s focus is put towards caring about what the student thinks, and more of their focus is put towards teaching their version of the course.

Another note from my first week in college- I never thought that I’d be able to survive more than a few days living in a college dorm, but it’s actually not as bad as I thought.

I have been to countless overnight camps (for basketball and journalism) on different college campuses over the past ten years, and after about three days at each camp I’d always think, ‘I can’t imagine having to actually live here.. I wouldn’t be able to do it.’ I think that it’s different once you actually get to college, though; once you realize that this is going to be your home, you don’t think of it as a temporary thing anymore.

It’s also been great having friends as soon as a I step onto campus, being a part of the basketball team. We do pretty much everything together, and I believe that they have made my transition to college easy. Although we’re all different, most of us have the same mindset, which is a great feeling.

And as I stay here at Ohio Northern, I become more comfortable living in the rural midwest. I always thought that I’d want to go to college in the city, live in the city, etc.; now I realize that the ‘middle of nowhere’ isn’t so bad after all. Go Bears.


  1. Glad to hear you are enjoying college - it is not an easy transition. It will be interesting to read how your opinion (may) change over time. Go Bears!

  2. Grant, being in this situation last year, I know how insane the high school-college transition can be. I think its great that you are adjusting to college positively, especially the tiny dorm rooms and the Ada cornfields. It's also great that you are involved in basketball and have a team to make your transition a bit easier. I hope you enjoy your next four years as a polar bear!

  3. Grant, I felt the same way about professors my freshman year, but things will change. You will start connecting with professors, and it is important you do, and they will become more than just someone who lectures. If you want a job, you should start making it a point to become more personal with your professors, because they are very well connected people on this campus. They do want to know your interests and future plans, but just not during class time.

  4. Grant, I am glad to hear college is going so well for you. I remember my freshman year and I think I felt the same way about the professors. It takes longer to build a relationship with some of the professors here but when you finally do, you realize they would do anything to help you. I am also very happy to hear you are a basketball player. I am friends with some of the seniors on the team. Good luck with the season this year!
