Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Scotts’ effective marketing campaign

After reading chapter two of Katie Delahaye Paine’s Measure What Matters, I found something relatable to our speaker from Scotts Lawn Care (pardon me for forgetting his name) last week.

Paine discusses how there are “ten questions every communications professional should answer,” with one of them being, “what motivates them to buy your products?” This question reminded me of last week’s speaker because of the way that Scotts Lawn Care markets to its customers.

Scotts Lawn Care uses social networks such as Pinterest and Tumblr to engage with their target audience, which is the younger, up-and-coming gardeners that are into home-grown gardens and veganism and are generally stereotyped as ‘hipsters.’

Their marketing campaign seems to cater towards these kinds of customers, as they use sleek and simple advertising that appeals to a ‘clean living’ sort of audience. This applies to Paine’s question because Scotts is clearly using this sort of advertising to motivate customers to buy their products.

When potential customers are looking at Scotts Lawn Care’s marketing campaign, they are likely to be persuaded to buy from Scotts because of their marketing techniques. By creating an effective ad campaign for their audience, Scotts has achieved in responding to the question, “what motivates them to buy your products?”

In doing this, Scotts has also answered the question “what is important to your audience?” They understand the kind of values that are important to their customers, and they have created an ad campaign that serves the aesthetic needs that are tied to these values.

Scotts has developed an ad campaign that answers both of the questions previously stated, which makes it an effective one that appeals to the desired customer base.

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