Thursday, February 15, 2018

How Nick Foles' viral post-Super Bowl comment relates to corporate social media branding

Last week, the Philadelphia Eagles beat the dynastic New England Patriots to win the Super Bowl. Philly's quarterback, Nick Foles, played the game of his life to lead the Eagles to their first Super Bowl title. He was also not the starting quarterback heading into the season, as he took over for first-stringer Carson Wentz after he went down with an ACL tear down the stretch.

Once Wentz went down, everyone counted the Eagles out. There was no way that Foles, an unproven backup, could lead them to victory -- and especially against the five-time champs, who were led by Tom Brady, arguably the greatest quarterback of all-time.

But Foles and the Eagles did it, in dramatic fashion, as well. And after the game, Foles was asked to reflect on how he got this far. Here was his comment (via USA Today):

The quarterback's comment drew a viral response, as people across the world could relate to his motivational message.

So, how does this apply to the way in which companies use social media?

As Keith Quesenberry discusses in Social Media Strategy, it is crucial to use social as a tool of connection between a brand and its consumers. A brand's social media presence should make the consumers feel closer to the brand, and should help create trust between the two.

In doing this, a brand must not only show positive messages about themselves on their social media feed -- they must also show their vulnerabilities. Like Foles said, people start listening when they can relate to someone else. They will listen to one's struggles more than their successes because struggles are what bond the human race together.

This is why companies need to poke fun at themselves, to tell their own story (the full story, not just the highlights) on social media. By doing this, they will create a much stronger connection with their followers and boost their brand's perception, and most importantly, people will listen.

Maybe Nick Foles was talking about winning a Super Bowl, or simply being a famous athlete. But he was also talking about so much more.

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