Monday, December 8, 2014

Wrapping up the semester

In less than two weeks, I will have completed my first semester of college. A lot has changed since my first weekend at Ohio Northern.

I have made a lot of new friends, and it seems like ONU is my real home now. When I went home last week, it was great to see my family, but I was also very excited to get back to campus and see my friends. It has been great getting to know so many different people from so many different backgrounds.

From an academic standpoint, this semester has went well. I have gained an understanding for how time management works in college, and how important good time management skills are.

From an athletic standpoint, my perspective on things has changed a bit since I got to college. I have now experienced a preseason conditioning program, practice, and game at the college level. What means a lot to me, though, is that I am already picking up life skills during my time as a college basketball player so far.

I am learning what it truly means to get outside of your comfort zone- physically and mentally. I am also learning what it means to bring full intensity to everything that you do, and to hold yourself to a high standard.

Coach Byrne always preaches “holding yourself to a high standard,” and I have come to realize that this mindset applies to life off the court as well. It means that once you know your full potential, never settle for less. I now think about this every day.

I am looking forward to the second semester. I hope to write more for the Northern Review, who I wrote ten articles for this semester. I also hope to become better at time management and develop better eating habits; although I am doing alright now, I know that I can do better. Go Bears!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you've adjusted well to college from high school. I adjusted pretty well myself, but I knew some people who didn't because it is so much different. There's much more responsibility, especially if you are playing a sport in addition to your academics. I can attest to that. Good luck the second semester.
